
Summer is a popular season for house hunting, but for families with children on school break, keeping the home viewing-ready can be a challenge. Balancing the demands of parenting with the need to present your home in its best light requires strategic planning and a few creative solutions. At Bees Homes, we understand the unique obstacles our clients face during the summer holidays. Here are our comprehensive tips to ensure your home remains presentable and appealing to potential buyers, even with the kids at home.

Preparation tips:

Declutter Regularly

One of the most important steps in preparing your home for viewings is decluttering. With children at home, toys, books, and other items can quickly accumulate, making the space appear messy and unorganised. Implement a daily decluttering routine to keep things in order. Here’s how:

  • Designate specific storage areas: Use bins, baskets, and shelves to organise children’s toys and belongings. Labelling these storage areas can help children know where their items belong.
  • Encourage participation: Get the children involved in tidying up. Turn it into a game where they earn points or rewards for keeping their spaces clean.
  • Regular donations: Periodically go through toys and clothes to donate items that are no longer used. This not only helps keep the clutter down but also teaches children the value of giving.

Set a Cleaning Routine

Maintaining a clean home is crucial when preparing for viewings. Establish a simple cleaning routine that the whole family can follow:

  • Daily tasks: Assign small daily tasks to each family member. For example, one child can be responsible for making their bed while another can help with dusting.
  • Weekly deep cleaning: Set aside time each week for deeper cleaning tasks such as vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning bathrooms or hire a cleaner to assist with this, especially if your schedule is particularly hectic.
  • Checklists: Create checklists for each room to ensure nothing is overlooked. This can include wiping down surfaces, cleaning windows, and emptying bins.

Engaging Kids:

Outdoor Activities

Keeping children occupied and out of the house during viewings can make the process smoother. Encourage outdoor activities to keep them engaged:

  • Garden play: Set up a play area in the garden with swings, a sandbox, or a small pool. This not only keeps children entertained but also showcases your outdoor space as family-friendly.
  • Local parks: Plan visits to local parks during scheduled viewings. 

Visits to Friends or Relatives Arrange for playdates or visits to friends’ or relatives’ homes during viewings:

  • Coordinated playdates: Coordinate with other parents to swap playdates. This way, you can look after their children on days when they have viewings and vice versa.
  • Grandparents’ house: Plan regular visits to grandparents or other relatives who might enjoy spending time with the children while you handle viewings.

Quiet Time For viewings scheduled during times when going out isn’t possible, prepare a selection of quiet activities:

  • Reading corners: Set up cosy reading corners with books that children can enjoy quietly.
  • Puzzle time: Keep puzzles, colouring books, and other quiet games handy. These can keep children occupied without creating a mess.
  • Screen time limits: While it’s not ideal to rely heavily on screens, allowing limited screen time during crucial viewing periods can be helpful. Choose educational or engaging content that can hold their attention.

Scheduling Viewings:

Optimal Timing

Timing is crucial when scheduling viewings. Here are some tips to find the best times:

  • Morning camps: If your children are attending morning camps or activities, schedule viewings during these hours to ensure the house is empty.
  • Afternoon naps: Utilise nap times for younger children to arrange viewings. A quiet house is more appealing to potential buyers.
  • Weekends: While weekends are often convenient for buyers, they can be disruptive for families. Try to schedule viewings during periods when you can ensure the home is in top condition.


Flexibility can go a long way in accommodating potential buyers while minimising disruptions:

  • Short notice prep: Have a quick tidy-up routine ready for last-minute viewings. This can include a checklist of essential tasks to make the home presentable quickly.
  • Communication: Keep in close communication with your estate agent to stay updated on viewing requests. This helps you manage your time and expectations effectively.

First Impressions:

Image of the lake, manor house in the background and a picnic laid out.

Kerb Appeal

First impressions start at the kerb. Enhance your home’s kerb appeal with these tips:

  • Landscaping: Keep the lawn mowed, hedges trimmed, and gardens well-maintained. Planting colourful flowers can add a welcoming touch.
  • Entrance: Ensure the front entrance is clean and inviting. This includes cleaning and changing the front door fittings, adding a fresh coat of paint if needed, and placing a welcoming doormat.
  • Lighting: Good lighting can make a huge difference. Ensure that outdoor lights are functioning and add some decorative lighting to highlight key features.

Quick Tidy-Up

Develop a quick tidy-up routine for last-minute viewings:

  • Laundry baskets: Have laundry baskets in each room to quickly gather and hide clutter.
  • Essential cleaning supplies: Keep essential cleaning supplies easily accessible for quick touch-ups. This can include disinfecting wipes, glass cleaner, and a handheld vacuum.
  • Freshen up: Use air fresheners or open windows to ensure the home smells fresh. Consider baking cookies or brewing coffee to create a welcoming aroma.


Selling your home during the summer holidays can be challenging, but with a bit of planning and organisation, you can ensure that your home remains attractive to potential buyers. By following these tips, you’ll be able to manage your children’s needs while keeping your home in top shape for viewings.

At Bees Homes, we’re here to support you every step of the way. We understand the importance of presenting your home in the best possible light and are committed to helping you achieve a successful sale.

For more information how you can achieve a successful sale get in touch by calling us on 01323 332344 or email info@beeshomes.com

Happy selling!