That watershed moment! It can come to us through many ways, financial necessity, or simply because we have outgrown our comfortable home; but it comes to us all.
Moving house is frequently cited as one of the most stressful stages of life that humans can experience, second only to marriage.
Perhaps this is due to the fact that selling a home requires the same level of commitment as marriage. To succeed, you must be completely focused on the next big step.
After all, for better or worse, there are many obstacles to overcome along the way; it is not a simple process.
You’ll need to be in the right frame of mind to face the challenges ahead, from the minefield of surveyors’ reports, negative feedback, Rightmove statistics, and low offers, to the constant cleaning ahead of each new viewing.
Here, we shed some light on factors that may help you decide whether the time has come to sell your home.
How long have you been tinkering with the idea of moving?
Is this a deep-seated desire that has been simmering and is now catching fire? Is it a quick reaction to other external factors?
Consider the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the financial and emotional implications, of moving.
For the last two years many have been moving from the city to the countryside.
We are told that fortune favours the brave, however has this move been motivated by a long-held desire to relocate or by an idealistic whim?
While a growing family is frequently the impetus for a house move, it is critical to time the move so that it causes the least financial and physical disruption to your family.
Are you planning to downsize, relocate, or start a family?
The reasoning behind your potential move, as well as the timing of its execution, are critical.
The decision can be difficult for downsizers. Perhaps you’ve just said good-by to the last of the brood to leave the nest. The house has become unusually quiet. Is it time to put your life plans on hold and relocate to a smaller, more affordable home?
Spending less time cleaning empty rooms will undoubtedly be beneficial. Perhaps you’d like to trade in those three double bedrooms for a studio where you can finally finish that masterpiece or pursue your dream of becoming an amateur photographer or even a musician.
It is critical for a successful move to minimise disruption to your child’s education, especially if you are relocating to a new area.
There are advantages and disadvantages to moving at any age; babies and toddlers are malleable and can handle the changes with ease, while older children can assist with the packing! Timing is critical for teenagers with strong local ties.
No move is without its challenges, but before putting up that ‘Buy Me” sign, consider exam dates and how a move will affect your child’s school life, hobbies, and interests.
You’ve made up your mind. You’re relocating. But when is the best time to relocate?
Historically, spring has been cited as the best time to put your home on the market. The Easter and May bank holidays are key ‘hot spots’.
The advantages of selling at this time of year are obvious: the days are longer, the sun is (usually) shining, the blossom is in bloom, and properties generally look their best.
House hunters are in high demand, and if you price your home competitively, you might even spark a bidding war!
How about the summer?
Summer has traditionally been perceived as a difficult time to sell if your target market is families. With the school holidays in full swing, trips abroad and keeping the kids entertained leave the streets devoid of house-hunters.
Putting your house on the market at the beginning of the summer will allow you to avoid the peak holiday season, when your target market will be abroad. Of course, if you own a home with a large garden and a pool, summer may be the best time to sell.
Autumn is a season of transition, and this is especially true for home sales, with people eager to move before Christmas. Why not turn over a new leaf if Christmas has left you yearning for a change in January.
Finding the right guidance when selling your home can make all the difference, especially when there is so much at stake emotionally and financially. Pick up the phone and call us at 01323 332344 if you want to know if, now is the right time for you to start a new chapter. The team is looking forward to hearing from you.
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